terça-feira, outubro 19, 2010

Teste das novas Raids no Cataclysm e alguns de seus drops.

Depois de iniciada a temporada de testes das Raids da nova expansão do World of Warcraft, ficou a sensação de ser interessante as lutas e os encontros com os bosses. Como muitos dos players do WoW se importam mesmo é com PvE, trouxe um preview postado no MMO-Champion sobre estas raids e alguns de seus drops.

Omnitron Defense System

Halfus Wyrmbreaker

Agora segue abaixo, alguns dos drops destas Raids.

359AxeMeleeTwo-HandShalug'doom, the Axe of Unmaking
359CrossbowPhysical DPSRangedFinely-Tuned Throat Needler
359StaffHealTwo-HandDark Mender's Staff
359StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandMalevolence
359SwordMeleeOne-HandSoul Blade
359WandHealRangedFinkle's Mixer Upper
359WandSpell DPSRangedTheresa's Booklight
359Off-HandSpell DPSOff-handBook of Binding Will
359PlateHealLegsLegguards of the Emerald Brood
359PlateHealShoulderBurden of Mortality
359PlateHealWaistCorehammer's Riveted Girdle
359PlateMeleeFeetMassacre Treads
359PlateMeleeHandsPlated Fists of Provocation
359PlateMeleeShoulderPauldrons of the Great Ettin
359PlateMeleeWristBracers of Impossible Strength
359MailSpellHeadHelm of the Nether Scion
359MailSpellWristChaos Beast Bracers
359MailPhys.DPSHandsProto-Handler's Gauntlets
359MailPhys.DPSWristChimaron Armguards
359LeatherSpellFeetFading Violet Sandals
359LeatherSpellShoulderHide of Chromaggus
359LeatherPhys.DPSFeetStorm Rider's Boots
359LeatherPhys.DPSHandsDouble Attack Handguards
359ClothHealChestRobes of the Burning Acolyte
359ClothHealFeetSlippers of Moving Waters
359ClothHealHandsBrackish Gloves
359ClothSpell DPSFeetMelodious Slippers
359ClothSpell DPSFeetEinhorn's Galoshes
359ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Bronze Flight
359NeckSpell SpiritNeckWyrmbreaker's Amulet
359FingerMeleeFingerBile-O-Tron Nut
359TrinketMeleeTrinketFury of Angerforge
359TrinketMeleeTrinketHeart of Rage
359TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketEssence of the Cyclone
359TrinketPhys.DPSTrinketUnheeded Warning

e mais alguns itens do Cataclysm.

359AxePhys.DPSOff-HandMaimgor's Bite
359CrossbowPhys.DPSRangedDragonheart Piercer
359DaggerSpell DPSMain HandIncineratus
359DaggerSpell DPSMain HandBlade of the Witching Hour
359FingerMeleeFingerRing of Rivalry
359Fist Weap.MeleeOff-HandBlackwing Descent Trash Loot Strength Fist Weapon - Set
359Fist Weap.Phys.DPSMain HandBlackwing Descent Trash Loot Agility Fist Weapon - Set
359MaceMeleeTwo-HandAkirus the Worm-Breaker
359SwordMeleeOne-HandLava Spine
359SwordPhys.DPSOne-HandFang of Twilight
359SwordSpell DPSMain HandMaldo's Sword Cane
359PlateHealChestBreastplate of Avenging Flame
359PlateMeleeFeetTreads of Savage Beatings
359PlateTankFeetMolten Tantrum Boots
359PlateTankHeadDaybreaker Helm
359PlateTankShoulderHeaving Plates of Protection
359MailSpellLegsPhase-Twister Leggings
359MailSpellWaistLifecycle Waistguard
359MailSpellWaistWaistguard of Hatred
359MailPhys.DPSLegsLeggings of Lethal Force
359LeatherSpellChestScorched Wormling Vest
359LeatherPhys.DPSHeadTsanga's Helm
359LeatherPhys.DPSWristParasitic Bands
359ClothHealHeadHelm of Eldritch Authority
359ClothSpell DPSLegsFlame Pillar Leggings
359ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Dark Pool
359CloakTankBackIronstar's Impenetrable Cover
359CloakSpell SpiritBackDrape of the Twins
359NeckPhys.DPSNeckNecklace of Strife
359NeckSpell DPSNeckValiona's Medallion
359TrinketTankTrinketVial of Stolen Memories
359TrinketSpell DPSTrinketTheralion's Mirror
359TrinketTankTrinketSymbiotic Worm